Young Adults (20-30)


24 hours a day - 7 days a week

Young Adult Ministry (18-30) of i-Praise Internet Church

i-Praise Internet Church wants all of its young adults to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction with a personal relationship with Him.

i-Praise Internet Church plans to design its young adults ministry in a way that after college classes or after working all day, and now it's nighttime when they are bored and their minds start to wonder, that they will sign onto the i-Praise website and find some fun things to watch, read or listen to.

Maybe connect with some other young adults for off-sight coffee, movies or other fun activities and feel of the greatness of our God, the compassion and the acceptance of everyone, and no matter who they are, they matter to Jesus.

To give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness.

We want the young adults that comes to i-Praise Ministry to find a place where they can come to when they feel alone and need comforting. A place where they can read encouraging stories of what amazing kids, youths, teens and other young adults are doing in their schools, jobs and communities. How they overcame poor choices they have made in the past or are continuing to make until Jesus saves them. How to get help and comfort when you are a single mom and the kids are hungry and crying, yet you are all alone.

You are a dad supporting your family at home and you just lost your job. How do you deal with that? Our prayer is that someone can come along side that person that has walked in their footsteps and give them support, hope, comfort and some peace.

Our prayer is that our young adults will step up and run their own program through i-Praise Ministry. They know what excites them and what attracts them to an internet ministry. We want to build our young adult platform based on feedback and direction from our young adults!

Check out our Events Page to see any upcoming events for the youth of i-Praise Ministry.

If you are between the age of 18-30 and you have a story to share or you want to find out how to be a part of i-Praise Ministry Disciple Team, please send it to the address listed in our Contact Us page.